Andreas Ludvigsson

Bridging Code and Commerce

  • Laravel 11 and Laravel Reverb is now released

    Laravel 11 has been released, introducing several enhancements and a new component called Laravel Reverb. Key features of Laravel 11 include a simplified application structure, SQLite as the default database, health routing, per-second rate limiting, encryption key rotation without service interruption, improved queue testing, new Artisan commands, the addition of Resend mail transport, and the…

  • Pricing Tables with Tailwind CSS – 31 Days of Tailwind

    In the competitive world of online businesses and services, having an attractive and user-friendly pricing table is essential for engaging potential customers. Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework, empowers designers to create responsive and visually appealing pricing tables with ease. In this article, we’ll showcase three unique pricing table designs built with Tailwind CSS, demonstrating…

  • Blog Post Cards with Tailwind CSS – 31 Days of Tailwind

    Welcome to Day 3 of our “31 Days of Tailwind Freebies” series, where today we’re delving into the art of creating elegant blog post cards using Tailwind CSS. In the digital realm, where content is king, presenting your articles in an appealing manner is crucial. Tailwind CSS, with its utility-first approach, makes it easier than…

  • 10 Tailwind CSS UI Kits and Components You Can’t Miss in 2024

    Introduction Hello, web development enthusiasts! Let’s talk about Tailwind CSS. It’s a highly flexible, utility-first CSS framework that has been rapidly gaining popularity among developers around the world. Why? Well, it allows for incredible customization and reduces the amount of CSS developers have to write by offering low-level utility classes. It’s like having a set…

  • Hero Section with CTA in Tailwind CSS – 31 Days of Tailwind

    Day 2: Elevate Your Landing Page with These Hero Section Designs Welcome back to our “31 Days of Tailwind Freebies” series! Today, we’re zeroing in on a crucial piece of any landing page: the hero section. This is your first impression, the moment you grab a visitor’s attention and, if done right, never let it…

  • Responsive Navbar with Tailwind and Alpine.js – 31 days of Tailwind

    Day 1: Crafting a Responsive Navigation Bar with Tailwind CSS Welcome to Day 1 of our “31 Days of Tailwind Freebies” series! Today, we’re diving into the world of responsive design with a Tailwind CSS-powered navigation bar. This component is a staple for any website, providing users with a clear path to navigate through your…