Andreas Ludvigsson

Bridging Code and Commerce

Laravel 11 and Laravel Reverb is now released

Laravel 11 has been released, introducing several enhancements and a new component called Laravel Reverb. Key features of Laravel 11 include a simplified application structure, SQLite as the default database, health routing, per-second rate limiting, encryption key rotation without service interruption, improved queue testing, new Artisan commands, the addition of Resend mail transport, and the integration of the Prompt validator. The release aims to offer a more streamlined experience for developers while retaining Laravel’s core concepts.

Laravel Reverb, a significant new addition, provides scalable WebSocket server capabilities for real-time communication in Laravel applications. It supports horizontal scaling through Redis, allowing for the efficient management of extensive WebSocket traffic. A notable demonstration showed about 30,000 clients maintaining connections, with over 6,000 messages exchanged per second.

By default, new Laravel projects will use SQLite for database storage, simplifying the setup process for developers. The introduction of a health routing directive enables the creation of health-check endpoints for third-party monitoring services. Additionally, Laravel 11 enhances the testing of queue interactions and introduces graceful encryption key rotation, allowing seamless decryption with previous keys to avoid user disruption.

The update also brings improvements such as per-second rate limiting, improved performance for in-memory database testing, better support for MariaDB, and more. The Laravel team encourages exploring the official release notes and upgrade guide for comprehensive details on these features. This release reflects the community’s contributions and aims to enhance the Laravel development experience further.

Read more about it on Laravels blog

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