Andreas Ludvigsson

Bridging Code and Commerce

Introducing YouTube Caption Fetcher: Effortlessly Access YouTube Transcripts in PHP

Are you a PHP developer looking for an easy way to fetch and work with YouTube video captions? Look no further! I’m excited to introduce YouTube Caption Fetcher, a new Composer package that simplifies the process of retrieving transcripts from YouTube videos.

What is YouTube Caption Fetcher?

YouTube Caption Fetcher is a lightweight, easy-to-use PHP library that allows you to programmatically access and extract captions from YouTube videos. Whether you’re building a content analysis tool, creating a searchable video database, or just need to grab transcripts for your projects, this package has got you covered.

Key Features

  • Simple API: With just a few lines of code, you can fetch transcripts from any YouTube video.
  • Video Title Retrieval: In addition to captions, you can also fetch the title of the YouTube video.
  • Language Support: Easily specify the language code for the captions you want to retrieve.
  • Error Handling: Robust error handling to deal with various scenarios like invalid URLs or unavailable captions.
  • Flexible: Built on top of Guzzle, allowing for easy customization of HTTP requests if needed.

How to Get Started

  1. Installation: You can install the package via Composer: composer require aludvigsson/youtube-caption-fetcher
  2. Basic Usage: Here’s a quick example of how to use the package
use Aludvigsson\YouTubeCaptionFetcher\YouTubeCaptionFetcher;
use Aludvigsson\YouTubeCaptionFetcher\CaptionFetcherException;
use Aludvigsson\YouTubeCaptionFetcher\InvalidUrlException;

$fetcher = new YouTubeCaptionFetcher();
try {
    $transcript = $fetcher->getTranscript('');
    $title = $fetcher->getVideoTitle('');
    echo $title;
} catch (CaptionFetcherException $e) {
    echo "An error occurred: " . $e->getMessage();

Why Use YouTube Caption Fetcher?

  1. Save Time: Stop wrestling with YouTube’s API or scraping web pages. This package does the heavy lifting for you.
  2. Clean Code: The package is designed with clean, modern PHP practices in mind, making it easy to integrate into your projects.
  3. Reliability: Built-in error handling and validation ensure you’re working with clean, reliable data.
  4. Flexibility: Need captions in a specific language? No problem. You can easily specify the language code.

What’s Next?

This is just the beginning for YouTube Caption Fetcher. I’m committed to maintaining and improving this package. Some ideas for future updates include:

  • Support for fetching captions from multiple videos in parallel
  • Integration with popular PHP frameworks
  • Additional utility functions for working with transcripts

Contribute or Get Support

YouTube Caption Fetcher is open-source and available on GitHub. Feel free to contribute, report issues, or suggest improvements. Check out the repository at


Whether you’re building a transcription tool, a content analysis system, or just need an easy way to grab YouTube captions, YouTube Caption Fetcher is here to simplify your workflow. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Happy coding!

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